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Target Airsoft

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Target Airsoft

We offer various types of toys airsoftgun.Berbagai types, electric and gas. for hobbies, sports, or collections.

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- We are not responsible if the goods are not up due to incomplete address given.
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- Abuse of responsibility outside airsoftgun seller

Airsoft is a toy replica of the gun bullets sesungguhnya.menggunakan Bb ( Ball bearing 6mm) plastic. using the average weight of 0.2g size. Airsoftgun / airsoft gun was created to meet the desires of lovers arms ( positive) to experience firing a weapon that is relatively safe for the individual user and application of strategy in fighting the war game / skirmish ( war game) if in a community. Each community is good and always liable to have its own ethical code, but have a common principle for the sake of security and continuity of this hobby themselves. These include a unique hobby hobbies that are different from other hobbies. Because the use of games and other accessories which are replicas of actual weapons.
Toys Airsoft ( Airsoft Gun Toys / Airsoft Toy Guns)
Toy airsoft or airsoft gun, having an outward shape, is the adoption of a firearm that is often mischaracterized as " replica " . Airsoft gun is not in fact completely different and replica firearms. Airsoft gun is usually a 1: 1 ( one to one) . Airsoft Toy Guns is divided into three main types according to its driving force: spring ( having a spring) , electric, and gas. On the type of spring, a bullet fired by a, and must be cocked before each shot. On the type of electrical, toys using the motor / electric dynamo run on battery power. And on the type of gas, the toy is operated by using a high pressure gas, which is usually a mixture of propane and polysiloxane.


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